Picture by: @nois7 on Instagram
Dear Beautiful Soul,
Sooo . . . what is it?
It is an on-going coaching dynamic
designed for those who are ready to:
-- explore their potential
-- expand their possibilities
-- take their lives to the next level
My name is Jen Bishop, and I am here to support you on your ever-adventurous journey towards greater authenticity & empowerment.
As an authenticity catalyst, I am here to inspire you to own who you ACTually are and what you ACTually want.
As an energy alchemist, I am here to awaken you to your self-sabotaging tendencies, and guide you in transforming those blocks into energy practices that will actually benefit you.
As an empowerment coach, I am here to challenge you to release the default of merely settling in life, and to choose to create & participate in the life that makes your heart sing.
GAAAH!!! How magical, right?!
Membership Includes:
-- weekly emails every Saturday; guidance & inspiration for your week; insights, suggestions, questions, exercises, etc.
-- 2 live group coaching sessions per month 60-mins/each
-- a Q&A forum you will have the chance to ask live, or submit your questions beforehand
-- access to session recordings for at-your-convenience viewing of all group coaching sessions
-- access to the closed Facebook group supplemental material to dig deeper, go further, and rise higher
-- discounts on 1:1 coaching there will be NO obligation to do 1:1 coaching, but you'll have the option & the discount
My name is Jen Bishop, and I am here to hold space for you and your highest self so that you may feel safe enough to release what no longer serves you, and brave enough to pursue what does.
You deserve to be happy! You are worthy of being happy! I promise you that.
But, the Universe can't dance with you if you refuse to get on the dance floor; soooo . . . whatchya think, lovey? Are you feeling the pull? Are you hearing the call? Are you already trying to figure out all the reasons why NOT to take this delicious step forward towards greater fulfillment and enjoyment? Are you already feeling super stoked about the possibilities you can tell this will open up for you and your life? Ooo lala! How exciting . . .
Additional Details:
-- cost = $49/month set as an automatic recurring payment each month unless you choose to cancel
-- your return-on-investment could be EPIC The Treehouse only costs about $1.63/day; can you justify making an investment in yourself that will potentially affect every area of your life that costs less than $2 per day? What ARE you choosing to spend your money on? What is the ROI like for those constant purchases you choose to make?
-- no contracts cancel your subscription at any time; if payment has already been made for the current month, then the cancellation will go into effect starting the following month
-- you get what you give what you get out of The Treehouse will be a direct result of what you choose to give to it
-- you will get to keep the limitations you fight for in life, in imagination, in The Treehouse
-- you will effortlessly impact the world around you as you dive into constant & intentional efforts towards personal growth and development, the people in your life will take notice; as you start to truly shine as your authentic and glorious self, the people in your life will want to know how they can get themselves a slice a that pie; as you choose to consciously expand your own life, you will have an awesome impact on those around you -- and you won't even have to DO anything to/for them directly
-- by intentionally creating a solid foundation for yourself, you will be able to build epic & sustainable empires of your choosing wonky foundations lead to wonky structures; by investing the time, energy, and effort to create a solid foundation for your life, there is no limit to what you will then be able to build upon it
Are you feeling the pull to expand? To evolve? To bloom?
Are you tired of playing small? Of silencing your heart? Of ignoring your desires?
Are you ready for more? To love your Mondays? To design a life you legit adore?
. . . is this your time to shine, my darling?! Ooo -- how yummy . . . ✨&💚
with passion & gratitude --
How marvelous that you've found yourself right here right now! This is no accident or mere coincidence; you are here for a reason, my darling . . . A delicious and ever-so-fulfilling reason. How exciting is THAT?!
So, I invite you to ask yourself: what is your reason? Why are you right here right now?
Are you feeling the pull to expand? To evolve? To bloom?
Are you tired of playing small? Of silencing your heart? Of ignoring your desires?
Are you ready for more? To love your Mondays? To design a life you legit adore?
. . . is this your time to shine, my darling?! Ooo -- how yummy . . . ✨&💚
with passion & gratitude --
So, you answered "yes" to one or more of the questions above.
Now what???
Getting yourself a coach can be extremely beneficial!
Are you interested in one-on-one coaching, but:
-- are hesitant because you don't know what coaching is like?
-- don't feel you currently have the time or financial resources available?
-- you don't know if you'll enjoy it, so you don't want to make a real commitment yet?
Welcome to:
The Treehouse!!!

Dear Beautiful Soul,

Picture by: @powwowdesignstudio on Instagram

Picture by: @theglobewanderer on Instagram

Picture by: @nois7 on Instagram

Picture by: @braedin on Instagram
"May we cleanse the poison of repression and write new narratives where violence is not the desperate outcome. May we design more sacred pathways for deep elucidation. May we honor the unique beast inside of us and in the other. May we lock ourselves up less, and grow community more. May we open all the doors to our crazy, perfect dancing."
-- Jocelyn Edelstein